Just an old dergy friend having a good time…Hope to see more customer pics!
TMDrake's – Decorative Inflatable Toys
Your one stop Squeak Shop!
Just an old dergy friend having a good time…Hope to see more customer pics!
New Glowy variant…Comming soon.
Shipping the first 10 draketoys, rest is comming…meanwhile another flying dragon is in the works!
Sorry for the delay, we are aranging for expedited shipping with a proto and first 10 that should go out in two weeks.
We are looking for designers and member.
The drakies are comming, the drakies are comming! Gen 2…multi-chamber design… Hopefully better valves and larger legs.
Looking for custom toy designs and designers. Any shape and design is considered.
(fixing the linking to social media)
Miner setback…but we keep on trucking forward…New designs soon. Enjoy a favorite 80’s tune.