Ideas? I was thinking of a purple version.

TMDrake's – Decorative Inflatable Toys
Your one stop Squeak Shop!
Some photos from the factory…
Since everthing blowing-stuff up, here is another code “2023independence”, please use during checkout to apply. 20% off…. (expires 7-5-2023).
Please use coupon code “rathypreorder” in checkout for additional 15% as a preorder, expires end of May.
We know Rathy says “backorder”, expecting them to ship within 3 months.
Body will need a bigger valve…the valve on him is too small…vinyl did seam thick…but thats because this digitally printed.
Veles are in stock and ready to ship. Get yours today
Mini Drakies will be in stock…45 days out.
Expected em to be in stock in a 2-3 months.
Just finish testing and shipping in a month or so, then flying out backorders/preorders first.